Freelance Writing Jobs

Tips To Find Freelance Writing Jobs

Your life is going to change.

There are hundreds to thousands of freelance writing jobs to be found online, but most of them are good for nothing. I have observed that freelancers are cheated on, and a group of content creators can be found complaining about low and delayed payments.

This situation is not only common among those who are working for the best freelance writing sites in the United States but also worldwide. It means you cannot say that your client/employer will pay you well if they are making decent money. You cannot even claim that they are legit because people can change and vanish anytime, especially on the internet where finding reliable and long-term writing jobs is next to impossible.

The good news is that there are certain things you can do to avoid getting paid pennies. Also, you will not be cheated on if you make a proper plan and take things forward carefully. Let’s begin the countdown.

Try Cold Pitching To Find Great Freelance Writing Jobs

As a beginner, you may not have an idea that cold pitching can get you great freelance writing jobs from home. In case you have not heard about it, let me tell you that cold pitching is also known as cold emailing. It is when you send one or more emails to potential clients/employers. You introduce yourself in this email, attach some samples and CV and try to convince them that your writing services can change the fate of their online business.

I suggest you begin cold pitching right away. For this purpose, you will have to find businesses, publications, and sites to pitch to. If a potential client has no blog or website, you can contact them on Linkedin or Twitter. While doing so, please don’t bother them by sending many emails/messages. Allow them time to think whether they want to cooperate with you or not.

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Find Work On Job Boards

How to pitch a client for content writing? Job boards make it easy for freelance writers to find clients. You can try as many of them as you want. Prepare a strong resume and don’t forget to send out your samples to increase the chances of getting hired.

At the same time, you should not act like a spammer. A spammer is someone who keeps annoying clients/employers by asking about the work. The best resources are Fiverr, Upwork, Glassdoor Jobs, Simply Hired, ZipRecruiter, CareerBuilder, and Google For Jobs. You can check one or more of them regularly to find a suitable and well-paying job. Besides, Problogger is a great platform.

Connect With Other Freelance Writers

It is one of the easiest ways to find good and longlasting freelance writing jobs. Once a friend asked me how to become a freelance writer, and I suggested he connect with different freelancers on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. Once connections are built, it becomes easy for a person to gain knowledge and to find decent sources and tools to take the writing career to the next level.

The best part is that you can connect with as many freelancers as you want, but make sure the connection is built to benefit both parties and no threatening or irritation is involved. Otherwise, they will ban you and may ask their clients to terminate your writing contracts. Be polite and humble to win the heart of everyone in your circle.

Author: Admin