Let’s Celebrate Pride Month: Illinois Companies Looking For LGBT Employees

The LGBT community should be respected and valued in the way they actually deserve.

LGBT Pride Month is here, and this is the right time to help jobless people of the LGBT community find the right kind of employment. The month of June is dedicated to the commemoration and celebration of bisexual, gay, transgender, and lesbians. Illinois believes in giving them all the rights and services they need to live happy and prosperous life.

Pride Month started after the Stonewall riots, which was actually a series of protests by gay. They wanted liberty to live life in the way they were happy with. Since 1969, this month is celebrated almost all over the world and the aim is to make people understand that LGBT should be respected and must be given their full rights of living their lives according to their own terms and rules.

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A Gift Of Jobs For The LGBT Community

Modern-day Pride Month is all about honoring LGBT rights and celebrating their culture. This is the right time to gift a job to someone belonging to the LGBT community. Let’s make a difference in their lives because Illinois has more than enough job openings for them.

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  1. Director, LGBTQ Student Life — The University of Chicago is looking for someone who has a college or university degree in educational policy, student affairs, gender studies or counseling, and experience of five to seven years. Here is the link to find more information and to apply for the position.
  2. LGBTQ Therapist — Lawrence Hall requires a therapist from the LGBTQ community who has knowledge of MS Excel, Outlook, and Word and can help people manage trauma. You should be able to use physical and verbal crisis intervention skills while working with young adults and adolescents. If this sounds interesting, here are some additional details.

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Author: Admin