Freelance Writer

How To Market Yourself As A Freelance Writer

A freelance writer needs to focus on writing and marketing simultaneously to get more and more clients or orders.

How to market yourself as a writer? When it comes to content marketing and self-promotion, most freelance writers think that it is not their job. Their job is only to write content according to the given guidelines and instructions. Also, their focus is always on meeting the deadlines and writing the decided number of words per day. Let me tell you that you cannot make good money if you don’t promote your writing services in the best possible ways.

On Fiverr, there are numerous content creators but not all of them get orders regularly. This is because only a handful of freelance writers optimize their gigs in a proper way, while others don’t bother to use the right kinds of keywords and a unique image. Also, they have nothing special to offer to the client or their prices touch the skies. As a result, they hardly get one or two orders in a month. Obviously, earning a living will be impossible for them.

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How to market yourself as a freelance editor? The idea is to promote your writing and editing services. It means you can work both as a content or freelance writer and editor if you have enough experience and can write as flawlessly as a native speaker. It will help you earn thousands of dollars from the comfort of your home. Here are a few tips to make things possible and easier.

Use Social Media Sites

Whether you are promoting your own writing services or have a friend who requires your marketing freelance writer services, social media is a great option. I suggest you embrace Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, and other social networking sites. Use them wisely and properly every single day. Ideally, you can offer writing services to people in your circle at reasonable prices or can offer them discounts. Besides, you can request them to get you more and more writing projects by referring you to their friends and family members. In this way, your work will be seen by hundreds of people across the globe and you are likely to make $100 per post.

Pinterest and YouTube are two other sites that can help you market yourself. Begin creating YouTube videos and share unique pins to gain more and more followers/subscribers. While doing so, make sure you are not spamming someone’s inbox or wall with so many offers. Take things forward with patience and great care to get excellent results.

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Start A Website Or Blog

How to market your writing? One of the best and most effective methods is starting and managing a blog or website. If you present yourself as a brand or a company owner, it will be easy for you to charge up to $1 per word. In such a situation, your portfolio has to be strong and great. Besides, you should mention the names of the writing companies or clients you have worked for.

Another important thing to remember is that you should publish content on your blog multiple times a week. Improve your grammar and vocabulary if you want to get international clients. This will help you land well-paying jobs. How to sell writing services? Of course, you will need to own a website/blog and rank it well to get noticed by the world’s top businessmen and companies.

Make Online Friends

Making friends does not mean you are free to tease them or chat with them the whole day. The aim is to have many writing services to offer to them or the people in their circles. I personally like Linkedin for this purpose. This platform is full of professionals, and most people hire based on one’s online resume/CV. So try to make your Linkedin profile professional and impressive.

In addition to this, you can make new friends on Facebook by joining different groups and communities. Once enough people have been added to your social media profile, you can send them pitches occasionally. Why is a pitch an important part of the freelance journalism process? Without a pitch, people can never get to know how skilled you are and what types of posts you can write.

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Author: Admin

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