Accredited Online Schools

Accredited Online Schools For You

There is no shortage of accredited online schools.

Someone once asked me what are the most famous online schools that accept FAFSA. My answer was Baker College, Grand Canyon University, Southern New Hampshire University, University of Florida, Penn State World Campus, and Purdue University Global. 

The truth is that there are thousands of accredited online schools k-12 and that it is difficult to name the best ones.

If I am not wrong, more than 10 million students conduct annual research for the best online schools. They are the ones who don’t want to go to land-based schools due to financial problems or other issues.

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Why Accredited Online Schools Appeal To Students?

In addition to saving on the costs of transportation and uniform, students can get the flexibility of studying whenever they want. Some of them are doing full-time jobs, which is why they cannot spare time for full-time studies and choose accredited online schools elementary. Whatever the reason may be, we cannot deny the fact that online schools and colleges have gained and will continue gaining tremendous fame years after years.

If you are looking for the best online degree programs for working adults, here are some options to get started.

Capella University

Capella University has some of the most affordable online colleges. It is a private, for-profit online institution with its headquarters in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is owned and run by Strategic Education, Inc. Capella is known to deliver the finest education to its online students and enrolls thousands of pupils every year. The best courses to study are project management, public health, accounting, human resource management, marketing, health care administration, and information technology.

Columbia Southern University

It is one of those very few institutions that offer accredited online college courses to students living in all parts of the world. Columbia Southern University is situated in Orange, Beach, Alabama. It was established by Robert G. Mayes Sr. in 1993. In a short time, the university has developed first-class degree programs in environmental studies, engineering, science, arts, and other subjects. Most often, students seek admission in business administration, computer science, health administration, and criminal justice.

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American InterContinental University

This private institution can be called one of the best online universities in the world. American InterContinental University (AIU) is headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois. Its owner is Perdoceo Education Corporation and the university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. It is not only famous for its bachelor’s and master’s programs but also has many associate degree programs for its students. Some of the major online degree programs are software engineering, generalist, healthcare management, hospitality management, forensic science, homeland security, elementary education, and technology management.

Georgia Institute Of Technology

The Georgia Institute of Technology is also called Georgia Tech. It is a public research university and one of the finest accredited online schools. It is based in Atlanta, Georgia, and has its campuses in France, Ireland, Singapore, and China. The university was established in 1885. At that time, it was merely a technology school. Today, it has more than five colleges where different programs are offered. The best programs are business, engineering, computer science, etc.

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Author: Admin